Healing Rest = Peace

Mastering the Game of Life

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Healing Rest = Peace
Written By: Sandi MacCalla ~ 9/20/2021

Through comments showing up in the news, it’s obvious that peace is in short supply for many of us, and the remedy is not simple nor imminent. However, there are proactive steps that will help.

All of us know we are walking on the edge when one small gust of life sends us rocketing out of control. Sometimes it shows up as forgetting an appointment, getting over-extended with money, energy, humor, food, or more. Then the internal chatter starts! Thank goodness we are past self-flagellating practices, but we have taken it inside. We have been living in a world of insecurity probably a lot longer than most of us realize and emotional erosion is ever-present.

Countering damage (stress, illogic, insecurity, negativity, fear) is becoming a new health regimen. Some I have listed are familiar although probably not on your active go-to list. Making time each week to do self-care has risen to the top of the list along with exercise, sleep, and fulfilling social contact. I am sharing these as a reminder that, in the words of L’Oreal, “You are worth it.” YOU are the only YOU we have! Take care, be safe, and stay calm.

  • BLOGPOST_HealingRest09202021.JPGMe-Time Spa Treatment – Schedule a minimum hour soak in the tub once a week, ideally before bedtime for a deeper sleep.
    • Unless the house is on fire, no interruptions are allowed. Keep a robe handy.
    • Drop in 5-10 green tea bags to detoxify, relax, and feed your skin, or add 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts – detoxifies and eases muscle pains
    • If you like to ‘cook’ in a hot bath, keep water nearby to rehydrate.
    • Read a book you have been promising yourself
    • Candles, aromatherapy, music are also nice touches.
    • Apply lotion or body oil while still wet before drying. You will be baby-smooth.
    • When drying off, do not rub; blot instead and allow a light layer of moisture to absorb naturally.
  • Essential Oils
    • Inhaling fresh lavender has long been recommended to reduce anxiety and produce a mellow relaxation. Lavender fields will be harvested in the Pacific Northwest during July – a good time to renew your supply - using lavender oil for relaxation - Bing.
    • When you’re feeling depleted, eucalyptus or peppermint oils are amazing energizers and mood changers. Eucalyptus will take you out to the woods where it is calm, peaceful, and life-giving. Peppermint always revs my engines and wakes me up! Put that stress to good use!
  • Tea
    • Drinking tea brings balance while providing little or less caffeine than our myriad coffees. I am a habitual coffee drinker myself. When I know that my nerves and mind are treading water, tea is my go-to answer to stay alert with a quiet strength.
      • Chamomile is a heightened relaxant, so do not drink and drive. Save for a pre-bed treat.
      • Decaffeinated and herbal teas have highly reduced stimulants.
      • Black teas have higher caffeine but are not as strong as coffee.
    • All of us react individually, so test out teas for your best choice and purpose. Mostly practice the art of savoring to help calm the mental whirlwinds.
  • Serenity Prayer
    • In writing this article, I discovered there is a short and a long version of the Serenity prayer - short/long version of Serenity Prayer - Bing. Who knew? I am including both if one speaks louder to you than the other.
    • While we can attack what we do not like going on in our world, I would venture to guess that all of us know we’re not in complete control of everything. And frankly, if you are in complete control of everything, don’t tell anyone or you’ll have a mob on your hands trying to place blame.
    • This prayer works well in reducing angst and clarifying our focus … which some would term as “getting a grip.”

We all need to find our balance now and not exhaust ourselves. We have had a long history of peace in our culture – comparatively. Now is the time to stand strong. It’s in our DNA.

In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt: “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

Sandi MacCalla
Founder and CEO
Sandi’s business experience spans major industries: Space Exploration, Aluminum Manufacturing, Real Estate Investing, Transportation, Custom Clothing, and Large-Scale Homeowners’ Association Management. Currently, she is the Founder and CEO of Etiquette for You and LifeSkills Academy.

Etiquette For You is a valued source for one-on-one training, sharpening a team’s competitive edge and strengthening personal social skills. A free consultation is offered to customize topics and solutions. Set an appointment to discuss your questions and design a program for yourself and/or your team: sandi@etiquetteforyou.com 

All LifeSkills Academy educators are professionals in the business world, some with academic backgrounds, and all have proven success in the world of commerce.

LifeSkills Academy features online group learning including Etiquette and Social Intelligence. Sign up for class notices: https://www.lifeskillsacademy.expert

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