Words of Wisdom - School

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Words of Wisdom - School

Written By: Chip Rudolph, Problemsolvers ~ 9/16/2024

BLOGPOST_BackToSchool09162024.jpgAs thoughts turn to Fall, several lessons might be learned about returning to school. School has much wisdom to impart, and it is important to understand the true purpose of the whole world known as ‘School.’

Here are some of the intended lessons schools provide.

  • The Purpose of Education is to Replace a Young Mind with an Open One. Becoming aware of your surroundings, learning about other people, and finding more choices in life are all important lessons. Keeping open to new knowledge changes your whole future. Let your mind be filled with valuable lessons and information.

  • The One Who Stops Learning Gets Old, Whether 20 or 80. The One Who Keeps Learning Stays Young. We are supposed to learn something new each day. When we are young, we might learn twenty things in a single day. As we age, we do not learn at the same rate as our younger self. However, there are still new things to learn. Using our brain keeps our mental and physical self active and functioning.

  • The Aim of Education is Knowledge – Not Facts, But Values. Knowledge is power. Schools teach many types of knowledge. It is not necessary to remember every fact taught. The important lesson is the ability to think. The things learned and the methodologies used pave the way for values to be learned. Values gained aid in a successful future.

  • Education Cannot be Taken Away from You. When knowledge and the ability to think is woven into your being, you cannot unlearn what you now know. The information acquired cannot be removed or taken away. It is now a tool for progress, survival, and future action.

  • Education Breeds Confidence. Confidence Breeds Hope. Hope Breeds Peace. The confidence obtained in school educates you and allows you to grow and flourish. This not only provides stepping stones to progress, but it also cultivates calm within you. This inner peace will guide you down a path of accomplishment and self-awareness.

School is attempting to provide a good education.
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
~ Chip Rudolph

Our elders passed down proverbs, adages, and oral history. Words of Wisdom are regularly provided from the CORNER HOME OFFICE to pass on the lessons of those ancient times.

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