Rescheduling - Less is More

Mastering the Game of Life

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Rescheduling - Less is More

Written By: Sandi MacCalla ~ 5/31/2022

Has your calendar taken on a life of its own? Even with more tools than tying a string around your finger, managing your calendar almost justifies hiring a VA to stay on track. Then comes the reschedule....

BLOGPOST_LessIsMore05312022_s.jpgRescheduling has its own “best” process. Keep these core steps top of mind when you need to reschedule a commitment:

  • Notify sooner than later.
    • Assume others are just as booked out as you are and just as important in their commitments.
    • Send by email a minimum of 24 hours before the appointment; phone call or text for less time than that.
  • An apology is warranted.
    • Respect the extra time/steps they’ll go through to change your appointment.
    • Let them know the importance of your relationship with them and the rescheduled meeting.
  • No in-depth explanation(dental appointment, unexpected family from out of town, cable installation) is needed which can wipe out your sincere apology.
    • Heed the wisdom of Benjamin Disraeli, the British Prime Minster 1874-80, who saw “explaining” as approval-seeking behavior; except when it is justified by the circumstance or relationship.
    • Unless you’re a serial “rescheduler,” 99% will assume there’s a good reason for the reschedule that couldn’t be avoided.
  • *IMPORTANT* Offer 3 possible days/times you could meet.
    • Asking the other party first for their recommendations is adding insult-to-injury. Recall, you’re the one who canceled.
    • You can ask for their suggestions if yours are not workable.
  • Rescheduling can be a relief on busy schedules.
    • However, assume it’s an inconvenience.
    • Everyone’s time is them. Convey respect of others and their time.
  • Turn the negative of rescheduling into a positive.
    • With these steps, you’ll strengthen others’ trust in you and build better relationships.

Etiquette online courses taught at LifeSkills Academy focus on the “dos” versus the “don’ts” of socialness. Subscribe to our website to receive the latest information on classes, wisdom from educators and tips on mastering your game of life.

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