Giving - Words of Wisdom

Mastering the Game of Life

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Giving - Words of Wisdom

Written By: Chip Rudolph ~ 11/27/2023

We are now in the midst of the holiday season. This time of year is filled with joyous dinners, shopping, and travel. For many years, it has been the busiest time for families to get together. It is also a time when GIVING is at a high.

BLOGPOST_Giving11272023.jpgThe happiest people are not the ones who get more.
It is those who are giving more.

Giving to others allows our souls to be nurtured. The joy we bring to others comes back to us tenfold. Often an individual is brought to life when doing for others.

Giving is not a duty, but rather a privilege.

Some are taught that giving is an obligation. As a spiritual practice, this might be accurate. In one’s daily life, the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. The rewards are usually greater than the effort.

The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose in life is to give it away.
Years might be spent trying to learn our talents or abilities. Individuals try several avenues before discovering their true calling. Once that answer is found, our purpose is to bestow on others our gift.

We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.

Learning or training for a profession takes a great deal of effort. What we learn is how we earn a living. It is in that cycle that we acquire the things we get. Our soul is nurtured, and our fulfillment comes when we give to others.

Truly generous people give silently and without reason.
There is no expectation of praise or reward.

Those who give with an agenda or quid pro quo are not really generous. Giving anonymously without any fanfare shows true generosity. When the purpose and intent are to give, only good intentions are present.

As we journey onward in life, values are learned. Patterns are established. The humble, the righteous, and those filled with gratitude learn the importance of giving as part of their daily existence.

“The important lesson learned is you can give without love,
but you cannot love without giving.” - Chip Rudolph

FROM THE CORNER HOME OFFICE presents WORDS OF WISDOM regularly. These adages and proverbs have been passed on by our elders since ancient times. We still live by these guidelines.

LifeSkills Academy features e-learning classes including Etiquette/Social Intelligence, Financial Skills, and Personal Organization. All educators are business professionals, some with academic backgrounds, and all have proven success in the world of commerce.

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