Shift Your Job Interview Mindset:

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Shift Your Job Interview Mindset:

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 7/22/2024

Think Like a Savvy Buyer

When it comes to landing a dream job, your mindset is just as, or more important than your resume. Rather than pumping yourself up hoping to be chosen, think about your savvy buyer mindset looking to align your skills with the best position. This shift can strengthen and help you equalize the interview.

Here are ways to foster a winning job interview mindset:

  1. BLOGPOST_JobInterviewMindset07222024.jpgVisualize a Partnership
    Imagine the interview is a meeting to discuss a partnership rather than an evaluation. Visualize yourself and the interviewer discussing how your skills and their needs align perfectly. This reduces anxiety, moves you both into problem-solving mode, and reveals the clarity of a potential alliance.

  2. Do Your Due Diligence
    Just as you would thoroughly research investing in a major purchase, research the company. Understand its public persona, inside culture, key values, and mission. Prepare to ask insightful questions about the job description and deepen your understanding of the offer. Exhibit that you are discerning and committed to finding the right fit.

  3. Positive Self-Talk
    Instead of thinking, “I hope they like me,” tell yourself, “I am evaluating if this company is the right fit for my skills, values, and goals.” This focus significantly postures your mindset and performance in the interview.

  4. Relaxation Techniques
    As is typical, practice calming techniques before the appointment. Deep breathing, meditation, or even a short walk can help you stay peaceful and focused. A clear mind helps you better assess whether the job truly is a good fit for you and what you bring to the table.

  5. Dress for Success
    Dress professionally and comfortably. Appearance influences how you are received as well as your confidence. When you look good, you feel good, and this confidence sets the tone for your interview.

  6. Identify Your Non-Negotiables
    Being aware of your non-negotiables helps you approach the interview with clarity. Beforehand, identify your key strengths and what you’re looking for in a job. Reflect on your past experiences and what thriving in a new role could feel like.

  7. Adopt a Value-Based Mindset
    Approach the interview as a two-way evaluation. Just as the company assesses your fit, you also assess whether the company aligns with your values and career goals. This reduces pressure and fosters a balanced, confident demeanor. You want to invest your abilities wisely and produce winning results for both sides.

  8. Stay Present
    Stay attentive, listen carefully to the questions, and respond thoughtfully. Don’t let your mind wander to worries about the outcome. Being present shows the interviewer that you are engaged and helps you perform better by your standards.

  9. Use Body Language Strategically
    Non-verbal cues are powerful. Maintain good posture, make appropriate eye contact, and use relevant hand gestures. Confident body language enhances your verbal communication and leaves a positive impression.

  10. Practice Gratitude
    Before the appointment, take a moment to think about the opportunities you have had, the progress you’ve made, and the support you’ve received. Gratitude improves your mood and creates a positive mindset.

Building a winning interview mindset involves seeing yourself as a savvy buyer looking for the best match for your talents to benefit others. By adopting this perspective and incorporating these tips, you will interview with confidence and poise, while identifying the right job for you. Remember, every interview is a step toward your goals, so fully engage in the process and stay positive.

Partnership is not a legal contract between two equal individuals. It’s an emotional alliance between two people who are committed to each other’s success. – Warren Buffet

How do you prepare for a job interview? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences at Let’s help each other succeed!

At LifeSkills Academy, we're dedicated to equipping individuals with proven life skills. Our e-learning classes, led by seasoned business professionals, delve into Etiquette/Social Intelligence, Financial Skills, and Personal Organization. We invite you to explore our classes and join our community of continuous learners. Sign up for newsletters and class notices to stay informed about valuable life skills content. Together, let's build a foundation for success in our lives and our world.

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Networking - Build Valuable Connections

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 7/15/2024

Networking isn't just attending events or exchanging business cards. It's building meaningful relationships that propel work/business progress. Here's why it matters:

  1. Why Network?
    • Access: By connecting with others, you stay informed on trending developments in your field. It provides exposure to industry news, key connections, and valuable insights.

    • Career Advancement: Your network can recommend contacts, job opportunities, mentorship, and promotions. It is not just what you know; it is who you know.

  2. Quality over quantity is essential. Consider these strategies:
    • BLOGPOST_Networking07152024.jpgHave an Intent: Are you seeking:
      • Mentorship
      • Job opportunities
      • Connections
      • Industry knowledge
        Tailor your efforts to key values.

    • Arrival and Introductions: When attending in person or online, arrive early. Introduce yourself confidently and genuinely be interested in others.

    • Exchange Business Cards: While digital connections are common, business cards still matter. They leave a lasting impression and trigger name recognition.

    • Follow Up: After meeting someone, follow up promptly. Send a personalized email on a shared interest or connect on LinkedIn.

  3. Purpose
    • Know Your WHY of networking. Is it to be a resource or to learn/collaborate/find new opportunities?

"My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don't keep score."
~ Harvey Mackay

Networking promotes reciprocity. Freely offer value to others and it will come back to you. Whether you are attending events, connecting online, or nurturing existing relationships, intentional networking transforms your professional journey.

Additional Resources:

  1. Coursera: 9 Networking Tips
  2. Forbes: Networking for Value
  3. MarketSplash: 10 Networking Trends

At LifeSkills Academy, we equip individuals with essential life skills. Our e-learning classes cover a range of topics: Etiquette/Social Intelligence, Financial Skills, and Personal Organization. Our dedicated team of educators—seasoned business professionals, all boast proven success in the world of commerce.

If you want to stay informed about our classes, valuable life skills content, and updates, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletters and class notices. Join us on the journey of continuous learning and personal growth. Let's build a foundation for success in life and our world together.

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Motivating Your Job Search Journey

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 7/8/2024

Staying motivated during a job search is challenging. But it’s crucial for staying on course, maintaining momentum, and achieving success. Here are nine effective strategies to keep your drive high:

  1. BLOGPOST_MotivatingJobSearch07082024.jpgWhere do you do your best reflecting?
    • Take time to think about your aspirations. Consider the industries that interest you, your ideal income, preferred location(s), work/activity preferences, and more.
    • Use these reflections to design a long-range plan (journal, spreadsheet, et al). Break it down into actionable steps, such as gaining experience in an entry-level position, connecting with others doing that work, and pursuing further education/specialization in your chosen field.

  2. Identify Career Role Models:
    • Connect with professionals in your field who inspire you. They can provide motivation, guidance, and clarity.
    • Whether they’re personal connections, industry experts, or celebrities, learn from their journeys and accomplishments.

  3. Create a Job Search Schedule:
    • Establish a routine for your job search. Set aside specific times, daily or weekly, to focus on research, planning, networking, applications, and interviewing.
    • Consistency helps maintain motivation and keeps you on track.

  4. Celebrate Wins:
    • Acknowledge and celebrate every achievement, no matter the size. Completing an application, receiving positive feedback, or securing an interview—all count as wins.
    • Celebrating progress boosts your spirit and keeps you motivated.

  5. Prioritize Your Health:
    • Job searching is mentally and emotionally draining. Prioritize personal care—get enough rest, eat well, and exercise.
    • A healthy body and mind sustain motivation.

  6. Socialize and Network:
    • Isolation can dampen motivation. Connect with friends, family, and professional contacts.
    • Attend networking events, virtual meetups, and industry conferences. Building relationships leads to opportunities.

  7. Set Specific Goals:
    • Define clear objectives for your job search. Whether applying to several jobs per week or securing interviews, having specific targets keeps you focused and inspired.
    • Assess your progress regularly and adjust your efforts as needed.

  8. Unplug from Social Media (Sometimes):
    • While social media is a valuable tool, it can also be exhausting and overwhelming.
    • Take breaks from scrolling through job boards and notifications. Recharge by engaging in other activities that energize you.

  9. Stay Positive and Persistent:
    • Redirects are part of the process. Don’t let them demotivate you.
    • Cultivate a positive mindset, stay resilient, and believe in your abilities. The right opportunity is waiting to meet you!

Consider: motivation fuels your job search journey. Keep moving forward, and success will follow! 🚀

At LifeSkills Academy, we equip individuals with essential life skills. Our e-learning classes cover a range of topics: Etiquette/Social Intelligence, Financial Skills, and Personal Organization. Our dedicated team of educators—seasoned business professionals, all boast proven success in the world of commerce.

If you want to stay informed about our classes, valuable life skills content, and updates, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletters and class notices. Join us on the journey of continuous learning and personal growth. Let's build a foundation for success in life and our world together.

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