Dispel Any Hint of Rudeness at Your Local Coffee Shop

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Dispel Any Hint of Rudeness at Your Local Coffee Shop

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 5/22/2023

Don’t Bogart the Line

  • Be ready to order once you reach the front of the line.
  • If you need more time to decide, step aside and let the person behind you go ahead
  • Chatting for a lengthy period causes those behind you to lose their sense of humor.

BLOGPOST_CoffeeShopEtiuqetteA05222023.jpgDon’t Bogart Space Without Purchasing

  • A coffee shop is a business – use the standard of purchasing:
    • A minimum of one item (+tip) per hour of your stay.
  • Stay longer when it’s not crowded. When it becomes crowded, remain as long as you are actively consuming.
  • Make sure the cafe welcomes your setting up longer-term use of their space.
  • Be mindful of times when there is peak traffic.

BLOGPOST_CoffeeShopEtiuqetteB05222023.jpgChoosing a Large Table as One Person

  • Consider moving to a single location, if you are at a larger table for 4+ and people are waiting.
  • If you initially sat down with a group of friends needing a larger table, once they’ve left, consider downsizing.

LifeSkills Academy features online classes: Etiquette, Social Intelligence, and Financial Literacy - check out our classes here!

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