Stay on Hiring Managers' Radar

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Stay on Hiring Managers' Radar

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 5/20/2024

Following up after sending a thank-you note is critical to maintain momentum and demonstrate your continued interest. 


Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Timing Matters:
    • Send Within 24 Hours:
      1. Your thank-you email should be sent within 24 hours after the interview. Promptness shows enthusiasm and professionalism1.
      2. Wait Patiently: If you don’t hear back from the hiring manager within a week or two, consider following up. The follow-up period depends on your stage in the interview process2.

  2. Content for Your Follow-Up:
    • Express Gratitude: Reiterate your appreciation for the opportunity and consideration.
    • Reference Specifics: Mention something specific from the interview. Show that you were engaged.
    • Reaffirm Interest: Remind them of your interest in the role and the company.
    • Offer to Answer Questions:Extend your availability for any additional queries they might have1.

  3. Methods of Follow-Up:

Remember, your follow-up communicates your high interest and professionalism. Use it as an opportunity to highlight your compatibility for the position. Good luck!

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal.
It is the courage to continue that counts."
- Winston Churchill

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