Mastering the `So What` Resume

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Mastering the `So What` Resume

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 9/9/2024

Imagine you are a Human Resources Ninja tasked to fill a new, pivotal leadership role for a start-up thundering its way upward. Thousands of resumes arrived overnight with no end in sight. The ball is in play!

BLOGPOST_SoWhatResume09092024.jpgIs your resume one of thousands or ‘the one?’

From this perspective, take another look at your best-yet resume and start putting ‘finishing touches’ that best convey who you are. Here are key points to target:

  • Is the most important information at the beginning?
    • Why? Make it easy to engage the interviewer. If they have to hunt for key points, they may not read the whole resume and move on to the next one.
    • Easily display your name, contact information, and the position you’re applying for.
    • Why are you applying for this role?
      • List work experiences that best align with the position in descending order of impact.
      • Include relevant metrics and the achieved result. For example:
        • Increased sales revenue 33% within six months by implementing a targeted marketing campaign.
        • Streamlined processes, reducing project turnaround time by 21%.

  • Eliminate buzzwords, cliches, and unexplained jargon.
    • Alphabetic acronyms can be used after the full name is spelled out first. Example: Public Utility District (PUD)

  • Use Active/Passive Voice appropriately.

  • Be concise, professional, and clear.
  • Check out this resume tutorial on YouTube for more excellent tips.

Here are other resources that I found helpful and practical.

“Remember, even a Jedi Master prepares for job interviews.
Ready yourself, you must.”

― Padmé Bright

LifeSkills Academy educators are professionals, some with academic backgrounds, and all have proven success in the world of commerce. We feature online learning in:

  • Etiquette/Social Intelligence
  • Financial Skills
  • Adulting Practices

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