Essential Life Skills for: High School, College, & Young Adults

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Essential Life Skills for: High School, College, & Young Adults

Written By: Sandi MacCalla, Founder - LifeSkills Academy ~ 9/30/2024

Changes in society, the workplace, and technology keep reshaping the landscape of ‘Adulting.’ Skills crucial for personal development, academic success, and career readiness continue evolving as we all progress forward. Ideally, here is an updated overview of key life skills for maturing age groups.

High School (Ages 14-18)

  1. Faith and Ethical Decision-Making
    • Applying faith principles to ethical dilemmas
    • Engaging in faith-based discussions and reflections

  2. Career Exploration and Planning
    • Identifying interests and potential career paths
    • Resume writing and interview skills

  3. Personal motivation and discipline
    • Goal attainment and time management
    • Personal care - physical and mental health

  4. Advanced Financial Skills
    • Understanding credit, loans, and taxes
    • Investing and long-term financial planning

  5. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
    • Advanced research skills
    • Creative problem-solving and innovation

  6. Tech Proficiency
    • Mastering productivity tools (e.g., Microsoft Office, Google Suite)
    • Basic programming and STEM-related skills

  7. Leadership and Collaboration
    • Leading projects and working in teams
    • Conflict resolution and negotiation skills


College (Ages 18-22)

  1. Faith and Identity Formation
    • Exploring and solidifying personal faith beliefs
    • Engaging in interfaith dialogues and community service

  2. Financial Independence
    • Managing student loans and personal finances
    • Understanding contracts and financial agreements

  3. Professional Development
    • Networking and professional communication
    • Building a personal brand and online presence

  4. Advanced Technical Skills
    • Specialized skills relevant to chosen fields
    • Staying updated with industry trends and tools

  5. Critical Thinking and Innovation
    • Complex problem-solving and analytical skills
    • Creative and strategic thinking

  6. Global Awareness and Cultural Competence
    • Understanding global issues and diverse cultures
    • Developing adaptability and cross-cultural communication

Young Adults (Ages 22-35)

  1. Faith and Life Purpose
    • Integrating faith into personal and professional life
    • Engaging in faith-based leadership and community involvement

  2. Career Advancement
    • Strategic career planning and goal setting
    • Continuous learning and professional certifications

  3. Advanced Communication Skills
    • Persuasive communication and public speaking
    • Effective negotiation and conflict management
    • Forming and maintaining healthy relationships.

  4. Financial Stability and Growth
    • Advanced investment strategies
    • Retirement planning and wealth management

  5. Leadership and Management
    • Leading teams, projects, organizations.
    • Mentoring and coaching skills
    • Responsibility and accountability for one's actions.

  6. Work-Life Balance
    • Adaptability and flexibility in the face of uncertainty.
    • Stress management and self-care practices
    • Balancing professional and personal life
    • Time management and organization
    • Basic home maintenance and repair skills.

Integrative growth into each age group provides a holistic approach to maturing so that individuals grow not only in skills but also in values and spirituality.

While this is a helpful blueprint, life does not always move in predictable bullet points (ex: Covid-19). Allow room and grace to focus on strengthening these competencies to attain the inner peace and resilience gained from ‘regressive life skills learning.’

(Regressive life skills learning is the process by which individuals acquire and develop essential life skills through challenging and negative experiences. These experiences, despite their difficulty, can serve as critical opportunities for growth and skill success.)

LifeSkills Academy features online learning to make mastering Adulting skills easier. Sign up for more news & class notices.

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